Understanding facial ageing
The new year is a great time to revisit the process of facial ageing and why my patients present to me with particular concerns about the changes they have noticed.
With Dr. Emma, Cosmetic Physician
The new year is a great time to revisit the process of facial ageing and why my patients present to me with particular concerns about the changes they have noticed.
Moving on from the “Foundation” treatment of the cheeks with dermal filler, comes “Contour” treatments including the temples, chin and jawline. Dr Mauricio De Maio, creator of the MD Codes, considers these to be the next most important “codes” to address in a treatment plan, as they are fundamental in adding natural shape.
Many of my patients contemplate treatment with dermal fillers for a long time before they raise the confidence to schedule a visit.
Last month’s education surrounded the common emotional motivation for treatment “I want to look less tired”.
Another extremely common motivation is “I want to look less saggy”.