SkinPen microneedling is a non-surgical procedure that uses advanced skin-needling technology to rejuvenate the skin by gently creating numerous micro-wounds that stimulate the body’s natural healing process.
Our FDA-cleared microneedling device can be used for indications ranging from facial rejuvenation, acne scarring to stretch marks. You can notice a difference in a single session, however significant improvement will be visible after 4-6 treatments. Collagen production takes around 6-8 weeks to build with a long-lasting result.
SkinPen microneedling is suitable for a wide range of skin types and conditions, and the treatment is customised according to your particular skin concern. It can improve the appearance of:
- Acne and acne scarring
- Enlarged/open pores
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Overall skin turgor/texture
- Scars following trauma or surgery
- Striae (stretch marks) on all areas of the body
- Hyperpigmentation
Microneedling is not suitable for people with active acne breakouts and is not recommended in pregnancy.
How does microneedling work?
The SkinPen is a sterile, pen-like device that penetrates the skin with micro needles that range in length.
The micro needles penetrate down to the dermis (or middle layer of the skin) to create tiny ‘micro’ wounds that stimulate the natural healing process of the body, leading to the growth of collagen and elastin, restoring the appearance of healthy skin.
The needle depth in the pen system is adjustable, which means that the tool can even be used in very delicate areas, such as around the lips and eyes.
How do I prepare my skin prior to SkinPen microneedling?
It is beneficial to prepare the skin with Synergie Skincare for 2 weeks prior to treatment. This helps to remove dead skin cells and strengthens the skin, in turn decreasing healing time and improving results.
How many treatments will I need?
The treatment can be repeated, and many often choose to do so once every 4-6 weeks to maintain results. Maintenance can be accentuated through the use of appropriate skin care and other treatments.
What can I expect after my treatment?
There is very little downtime following treatment. Facial redness (like “sunburn”) for 12-48 hours is common and some people may experience mild stinging, swelling and bruising. Occasionally with deeper treatments you may experience some mild crusting or scabbing.
What do I use on my skin post-treatment?
To ensure proper healing and minimise complications, our patients follow their treatment with our Synergie post treatment kit. This kit is designed to protect and recuperate your skin. With a calming facial oil and occlusive skin balm. This kit will allow you to get the most out of your treatments.
Patients are not recommended to use the kits UberZinc for 3 days post treatment due to skin sensitivity. After 3 days patients can re-commence UberZinc as their daily UV protective moisturizer.